Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Patriarchy And Gender Discrimination Women Are Socially...
There has always been a gender discrimination culturally, and historically. As a result, patriarchy has always been a major issue in history. Yet, forms of gender superiority still exist today. As seen in history, men have always been the superior gender. While females have been associated to being inferior to men. In the Feminist Theory Reader, we see the theme of male patriarchy in â€Å"Bargaining with Patriarchy†. Where Deniz Kandiyoti argues that patriarchy has always been a major issue in the actions of women in varies cultures. On the other hand, we see such connection to male patriarchy in the Ms. Readings’ article â€Å"Jailing Girls for Men’s for Crimes†. This article, argues that the inequality of women is due the social response to male control and superiority. Notably, the article â€Å"Say it, Spray it,†also argues that women are socially controlled by male patriarchy. In the Feminist Theory Reader, â€Å"Bargaining with Patriarchy†Deniz Kandiyoti states â€Å" As a result, the term patriarchy often evokes an overly monolithic conception of male dominance [†¦] reveals the intimate inner workings of culturally and historically distinct arrangements between the genders†(98). In this quote, Kandiyoti is referencing the inequality of women, who continue to suffer from a male patriarchal society. Kandiyoti is stating that even though classical patriarchy still exist there are other forms of patriarchy that can still affect women’s equality. Kandiyoti supports her argumentShow MoreRelatedFeminism : The Main Branches Of Feminism1668 Words  | 7 Pagesthe roots of patriarchy and the details of its solution. However on whole it can be seen that they still agree the 2 core themes of feminism of patriarchy existing and what to do about patriarchy. 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